Monday, November 5, 2012

Why Do Students Procrastinate?

I would first like to say that I am a procrastinator myself. I am the type of person that cannot concentrate to save my life. I'm constantly getting up, forgetting things, sometimes places are too loud or even too quiet. A way I could fix the problem by concentrating on what I am doing and not let my surroundings interfere with my production.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Virtual Field Trip to the Zoo

Here you go everyone my very first virtual field trip.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Field Trip

 During my middle school days I was involved in the choir program and every year we would have a caroling trip. This trip took place during the school day. We would go and sing at a retirement home, elementary schools, and then the mall. This field trip was my favorite because, for one thing I got to miss school. But also because it helped me be able to express myself in front of people fully without getting nervous which why I am able to do half the thing I do today.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Ethical Dilemma

It is never okay to make fun of people especially in such a public place where it could accidentally be seen. Mark should go to his teacher and let them know what's going on then delete himself from the Facebook feed so that he isn't associated with people like.

I don't know of anything that's going on like that in my life now, but I can tell you that if that situation were to arise in my life I would make sure the AP's knew about it and make it known that I don't associate myself with people like that.

When I grow up...

When I grow up my dream position as a teacher would be Junior level math. The reason I have chosen this level is because I feel as though they are more mature than lower class man, but not to old to where they don't care anymore and are ready to move on with life.

Teaching has always been a big part in my life because of my grandma, she was a 2nd grade teacher for 30 years. Which is why I believe teaching has always been a career choice for me.