Monday, April 22, 2013


In response to Mrs. Stevens blog.

1. People consider doctors, lawyers, and business man professionals. They go to college for years and come out knowing just about everything there is to know their field of interest. Yet most people consider teachers below those professions on the hierarchy of the work force. But when you think about teachers are the ones who taught all of the other students who eventually went on to become the people you see today. If it wasn't for them your student might not have succeeded as much as they did. When parents decide that teachers opinions are invalid or ridiculous it causes their relationship to crumble. The only time a parent should challenge a teachers comment is when they are concerned about their student or the accusation seems completely out of character. Students should always take responsibility for their actions no matter what the situation. It teaches them to take care of business and raises their maturity level.

2. Parents should never make up excuses for their child just because they don't want to be the "bad guy". They should show their child that in the end it was their choice to stay up late or wait till the last minute to do their homework. You are teaching your child that every choice counts and in the end it will better the child when they go off to college and eventually get a job.

3. If a student is not forced to take responsibility for their actions, then eventually they will just assume that taking responsibility is not of importance. This could affect them when applying for jobs, college, and simple things like house work. They will become dependent and never be able to do anything for themselves. This is why you must push each student and never let them think it's okay to not take initiative.

You must trust the teacher because not every teacher is our to get your student or give them grade they don't deserve. We only want the best for students if we didn't why would we waste our money on a four or more year long education to become a teacher. Let's think about this, maybe we're not the ones you need to be second guessing.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Creativity Counts.

In response to Mrs. Stevens blog.

Do you ever find yourself doodling on a piece of paper? Tapping your foot to music or sometimes even silence? And no matter how good or bad it is in that moment you are the master of your art. This is your creativity flowing out of you. Creativity, I believe, is the part of people that they're not afraid to be wrong about. It's something that comes naturally. We use it to express our feelings that we can't express regularly. For example a dancer, the emotions they cannot express with words are expressed through their movement. Creativity is a huge part of education. If students weren't allowed to use creativity they would never learn how to express themselves. Without creativity it would be constant structure and by the time the children became adults they would be no different then robots. Well not really but, it makes you understand the bigger picture of how creativity works in our world. The best way I can describe creativity is to imagine a crinkled piece of paper. Imagine that paper going through life, and getting pressed into perfection. This is how we work out the creativity in children today. The way we can insure that this never happens is to embrace every persons view on things. Never squash their creativity by telling them that it's the wrong way just because it's not the way you did it.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Appearance counts!

In response to Mrs. Stevens blog. 

Dressing unprofessional can make the biggest difference on whether you get the job or are passed up. It can make people think you could care less what people think about you. In that case why would they want someone who could care less about their appearance working for a company that does. It can make people believe that you are not qualified for the job because of the way you dress. Most clients would pass on your advice and could make co-workers think less of you. It would just be the better option to dress like you care about what others think.
What to wear.                                 What not to wear.