Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Part 3: Reflection is good for the soul

In response to Mrs. Stevens blog.

The beginning of this year I had no idea what I was in for, all I knew was that I wanted to be in something that involved kids. I never imagined how much of an impact this class would have on my future. I have now decided to go to UNT and major in education because of this class. I hope that in 25 years I can still be able to say that teaching was the right choice for me. In my classes we just said some goodbyes my plan is to go back sometime next week to have time where I can tell them how much of privilege teaching them was (all my classes were testing..). Knowing that I will not be able to see those kids every week is a little heart breaking but, the memories I have had with them will last a life time. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Part 2

In response to Mrs. Stevens blog.

Dress code violations: 

I chose dress code for this blog because it has been a huge problem this year. People were constantly taking advantage of the fact that their every move wasn't being watched by a teacher. To me this gave the program a bad reputation. I also feel like those who never followed dress code,from what I saw, got off too easily and never got the message. I would enforce the dress code by having the bus driver or another student on each bus be responsible for checking everyones outfit. They will be responsible for letting me know, and the office as well, that this student will not be attending their site school. 
  1. You may wear jeans and khakis.
  2. You may dress professionally, as long as it is appropriate.
  3. NO skirts above the knee.
  4. NO boobs, butt, or belly.
  5. NO tanks.
  6. NO open toes shoes.
  7. NO high heels.
  8. Don't look like you crawled out from under a rock.
If you are in violation, it is an automatic trip to the office for ISS while others go to their site school.
As for the consequences...

  1. First offense- You will get a warning.
  2. Second offense- A detention and you cannot go to your site school for a week.
  3. Third offense- No two detentions and no site school for a month.
  4. Fourth offense- No sight school for the remaining period of time in the class. Not able to go on field trips.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Part 1

In response to Mrs. Stevens blog


(1.7) Measurement. The student directly compares the attributes of length, area, weight/mass, capacity, and temperature. The student uses comparative language to solve problems and answer questions. The student selects and uses nonstandard units to describe length. The student is expected to:

(A) estimate and measure length using nonstandard units such as paper clips or sides of color tiles; 

Link to activities: Measuring activities

The students will be required to measure different objects with different tools to show that not everything is the same. It will help improve their skills in estimating and see how accurate they can be.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Thank a Teacher!

In response to Mrs. Stevens' blog

Dear Ms. Neighbors, 

     You have probably heard all of this before, but here it comes again. I don't think you will ever realize how much of an impact you have had on so many lives. Your passion for what you do is such an amazing thing for me to witness. I don't think I have ever known someone who has taught me as many life lessons as you have. This year I didn't quote you because the things you said were funny... although most of them were. I quoted you because I don't want to forget the insightful things that you have instilled in me. You have changed me for the better, and for that I am eternally grateful. Thank you for passion, commitment, and enthusiasm throughout the years. Thank you for never doubting us and for encouraging us to go beyond what we thought were possible. Thank you so much for everything.

Isabella Lacaze

Monday, April 22, 2013


In response to Mrs. Stevens blog.

1. People consider doctors, lawyers, and business man professionals. They go to college for years and come out knowing just about everything there is to know their field of interest. Yet most people consider teachers below those professions on the hierarchy of the work force. But when you think about teachers are the ones who taught all of the other students who eventually went on to become the people you see today. If it wasn't for them your student might not have succeeded as much as they did. When parents decide that teachers opinions are invalid or ridiculous it causes their relationship to crumble. The only time a parent should challenge a teachers comment is when they are concerned about their student or the accusation seems completely out of character. Students should always take responsibility for their actions no matter what the situation. It teaches them to take care of business and raises their maturity level.

2. Parents should never make up excuses for their child just because they don't want to be the "bad guy". They should show their child that in the end it was their choice to stay up late or wait till the last minute to do their homework. You are teaching your child that every choice counts and in the end it will better the child when they go off to college and eventually get a job.

3. If a student is not forced to take responsibility for their actions, then eventually they will just assume that taking responsibility is not of importance. This could affect them when applying for jobs, college, and simple things like house work. They will become dependent and never be able to do anything for themselves. This is why you must push each student and never let them think it's okay to not take initiative.

You must trust the teacher because not every teacher is our to get your student or give them grade they don't deserve. We only want the best for students if we didn't why would we waste our money on a four or more year long education to become a teacher. Let's think about this, maybe we're not the ones you need to be second guessing.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Creativity Counts.

In response to Mrs. Stevens blog.

Do you ever find yourself doodling on a piece of paper? Tapping your foot to music or sometimes even silence? And no matter how good or bad it is in that moment you are the master of your art. This is your creativity flowing out of you. Creativity, I believe, is the part of people that they're not afraid to be wrong about. It's something that comes naturally. We use it to express our feelings that we can't express regularly. For example a dancer, the emotions they cannot express with words are expressed through their movement. Creativity is a huge part of education. If students weren't allowed to use creativity they would never learn how to express themselves. Without creativity it would be constant structure and by the time the children became adults they would be no different then robots. Well not really but, it makes you understand the bigger picture of how creativity works in our world. The best way I can describe creativity is to imagine a crinkled piece of paper. Imagine that paper going through life, and getting pressed into perfection. This is how we work out the creativity in children today. The way we can insure that this never happens is to embrace every persons view on things. Never squash their creativity by telling them that it's the wrong way just because it's not the way you did it.