Friday, April 5, 2013

Creativity Counts.

In response to Mrs. Stevens blog.

Do you ever find yourself doodling on a piece of paper? Tapping your foot to music or sometimes even silence? And no matter how good or bad it is in that moment you are the master of your art. This is your creativity flowing out of you. Creativity, I believe, is the part of people that they're not afraid to be wrong about. It's something that comes naturally. We use it to express our feelings that we can't express regularly. For example a dancer, the emotions they cannot express with words are expressed through their movement. Creativity is a huge part of education. If students weren't allowed to use creativity they would never learn how to express themselves. Without creativity it would be constant structure and by the time the children became adults they would be no different then robots. Well not really but, it makes you understand the bigger picture of how creativity works in our world. The best way I can describe creativity is to imagine a crinkled piece of paper. Imagine that paper going through life, and getting pressed into perfection. This is how we work out the creativity in children today. The way we can insure that this never happens is to embrace every persons view on things. Never squash their creativity by telling them that it's the wrong way just because it's not the way you did it.

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