Sunday, January 13, 2013


In this world there is violence, unacceptable violence that seems to pour into our everyday life without our consent. The violence ranges from verbal, to thoughts, and more often then it should physical. Unfortunately the only guarantee we have in preventing violence is to know that we have control over ourselves to not to make decisions that could potentially hurt others. We can not determine what others will think of or do, and we can not control what they feel. Therefore there is always going some one who takes out their anger and frustration on others. I believe the only thing we can do to protect our schools is to make them like a jail. Barbed wire gates, guards at the front door, no one comes in, no one leaves until schools over, and i.d. pictures worn at all times. I also believe that school should be a fun place, an escape from the outside world. Not a cage where you're constantly reminded that someone at any point in the day could come in and do damage. So the real question is "do we want to caged in or thankful that nothing happened today?"

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