Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Part 2

In response to Mrs. Stevens blog.

Dress code violations: 

I chose dress code for this blog because it has been a huge problem this year. People were constantly taking advantage of the fact that their every move wasn't being watched by a teacher. To me this gave the program a bad reputation. I also feel like those who never followed dress code,from what I saw, got off too easily and never got the message. I would enforce the dress code by having the bus driver or another student on each bus be responsible for checking everyones outfit. They will be responsible for letting me know, and the office as well, that this student will not be attending their site school. 
  1. You may wear jeans and khakis.
  2. You may dress professionally, as long as it is appropriate.
  3. NO skirts above the knee.
  4. NO boobs, butt, or belly.
  5. NO tanks.
  6. NO open toes shoes.
  7. NO high heels.
  8. Don't look like you crawled out from under a rock.
If you are in violation, it is an automatic trip to the office for ISS while others go to their site school.
As for the consequences...

  1. First offense- You will get a warning.
  2. Second offense- A detention and you cannot go to your site school for a week.
  3. Third offense- No two detentions and no site school for a month.
  4. Fourth offense- No sight school for the remaining period of time in the class. Not able to go on field trips.

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